
Welcome to the Punk and Vegetarian Recipes blog. This blog will discuss punk bands and various vegetarian or vegan recipes.

What is punk? Punk is more than music. It's about creativity, community, equality, individuality, politics, questioning, self-expression, and unity. It is a lifestyle not a trend.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Food Donations Banned in NYC!

In New York City,  the mayor Michael Bloomberg banned food donations at homeless shelters. Apparently it was done because they could not regulate how much salt, fiber, and fat are given to the homeless. Technically done for the health benefit of the homeless.

This is outrageous. Denying the homeless food, when they have nothing else to eat. A donation always goes a long way to aid the homeless. Especially if they had not eaten a meal in days! It's not like the donations are all unhealthy. People have tried to donate carrot stew and bagels, but denied.

The worse part is NY is not the first city to start these ridiculous laws and regulations against donating food to the homeless. There are multiple major cities around the U.S. such as; Houston, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, who have set restrictions.

Information derived from: CBS NY
Additional information from: The Economic Collapse

1 comment:

  1. hey !!! congratulations and thanks for your blog mate !!!! i add your blog to may list
