
Welcome to the Punk and Vegetarian Recipes blog. This blog will discuss punk bands and various vegetarian or vegan recipes.

What is punk? Punk is more than music. It's about creativity, community, equality, individuality, politics, questioning, self-expression, and unity. It is a lifestyle not a trend.

About Me

I have been interested in punk music since 2000. It opened my interest in politics, environment, and world issues. I find it essential to be well informed. I became a vegetarian in 2004. It was a conscious effort as a protest against the corporate powers in the world. Making a statement that I do not and will never support their excessive slaughtering of animals to the point where tons of meat goes to waste on a daily basis. Which means an immense amount of cruelty and butchering was not necessary. These efforts and money should be spent on feeding other people around the country (the poor) and the world.

I will always be against cruelty to animals. Confining these creatures in small cages while piling them on top of one another. Under these conditions they are unable to move and struggle to breath. Purposely injecting cows with hormones and not properly feeding them (what they would normally eat in the wild) to get them fatter in "X" amount of time is unjustifiable. You can get the same nutrients and minerals from fruits and vegetables, which are a healthier alternative than meat. They also prevent cancers and diseases.

Experimenting with food has allowed me to prove that vegan and vegetarian meals are equally or more delectable than meat meals. Those who question the idea of a vegetarian diet are often surprised that the meals are delicious and enjoyable.

An important part of living is being conscious on what I do to the environment and myself.  Do not eliminate life; nourish, sustain and prolong it.

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