
Welcome to the Punk and Vegetarian Recipes blog. This blog will discuss punk bands and various vegetarian or vegan recipes.

What is punk? Punk is more than music. It's about creativity, community, equality, individuality, politics, questioning, self-expression, and unity. It is a lifestyle not a trend.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Oi! This is Street Punk!

Today was the release of the album Oi! This is Street Punk! featuring all the bands that are in the above album cover. Eleven bands, eleven songs, out today on 11/11/11! If you have not ordered it yet, or unsure if you will like it. You should listen to the stream of all the songs on the album at Pirates Press Records.

The album opens up with NOI!SE with the song called "Coming Storm." It is definitely a great way to the start album. It is a slow pace song, with a catchy chorus. The song picks up pace at the end, closing with a solo which leads to the following song, "Blood Sucker," by The Old Firm Casuals. This song is faster pace song. It shouts to be in your face. Not only do the riffs ask you to listen intently, but also the lyrics will grab your attention with "Look me in the eyes, it is you I despise!"

The song "Boomtown" by Knucklehead slows things down. The song definitely deserves a good listen, with a memorable chorus that will definitely have you singing along after just listening to it once. Following this awesome song is "America's Standards" by Lower Class Brats. This song has been circulating for a while, but definitely still a good song to listen to. It opens up with the classic Lower Class Brats trademark of a bass line opening the song. It definitely brings back nostalgia of their popular song "Just like Clockwork."

Things slow down once again with Marching Orders "Minimum Wage." It is a moderate pace song with a good solo and guitar tunes that make you want to listen to the song. Control follows this song with " High Time I Hung my Boots." It is another straight in your face song, which instantly grabs your attention as the previous song closes. The bass line after each chorus is a good listen to.The vocalist just gets you enthused over the fact that he enjoys punk music, and that he will never let go of the punk lifestyle. The song keeps you excited and has you singing along to the chorus afterwards.

Young Offender's "Trelawny's Army" follows the song. It starts off with a steady pace, and catchy tune. The chorus just goes straight on and keeps you hooked for the entire duration. 45 Adapters follow the song with their very own, "What's Right?" It opens up with a simple strum and a hi hat going, then it just hooks you in with its bass line. You just want to jump up and rock out. The song is a great song to listen to.You will definitely listen to it multiple times.

Sydney Ducks follows it with their song "Espirit de Corps." The starting guitar chords with the drum rolls going at the start gets your attention. Definitely a great way to start the song. The chorus hooks you in, making you want to sing along with it as well. Harrington Saints follow the song with "No Justice." Opening up with a quick start, and a semi guitar solo. It is a good song overall. It slows down the pace to lead up to the final song.

The song, "Until the End," is by Booze & Glory. This is a slow paced song with an anthem type song. The guitar tunes and the chorus just keeps you listening. The chorus will want you to sing, "We are marching on together til the end." It was a good ending to a great album of 11 bands with their 11 songs.

I enjoyed the setup of the songs alternating between slow and fast pace songs at the start. If I had to choose a favorite out of the 11 songs, it would be 45 Adapter's "What's Right?" That catchy tune just keeps you hooked.

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